There Are Many Ways to Help Wings of Rescue
Due to the nature of our flights and the number of destinations to which we fly, we are not able to accommodate volunteers at our takeoffs and landings. However, there are quite a few ways you can support our efforts, and those of our partner shelters who may be closer to your community. As a non-government charity, we depend entirely on financial support from individual donors and corporate sponsors. Every dollar we collect goes to good use helping to save pets. We pride ourselves on our efficiency, frugality and resourcefulness, which is all designed to maximize every donation and treat it with the care and commitment it deserves. We sincerely appreciate the support we receive.
Sign Up for Our Newsletter
One of the best ways you can show your ongoing support for us is to sign up for our newsletter, which will keep you informed and up-to-date on our activities. We promise not to bombard you with fundraising solicitations, though there will be a few of those, especially when we have a special project or need. But mostly we will highlight our lifesaving missions and bring you information which we hope will inspire and motivate you. And of course at any time you can opt out of receiving communications from us – we never want to be an annoyance or distraction.
Direct Giving Online
You can make an instant donation by clicking here, which will take you to our donor page. We utilize the services of a reputable and highly-secure processing company which specializes in nonprofit giving, so you can feel secure with any form of financial transaction, from credit-card giving to bank-account transactions to PayPal and other protected ways to give. And of course, please check with your employer about any matching-gift programs they might have, and we’d love it if you sign up for monthly giving, which is a terrific way to show your support on an affordable and ongoing basis.
Mail Your Donation
We understand that many people prefer to write a check and drop it in the mail. You can do that by sending your donation to:
Wings of Rescue
PO Box 602030
San Diego, CA 92160
Legacy and Estate Giving
Many people choose to reward our work by including us in their estate planning, for remembering and honoring a loved one, to honor a favorite pet or as part of a larger fundraising effort by a group or community. Just let us know what you’d like to accomplish and we will work with you to make it happen. Just contact us at [email protected].
Naming Rights & Flight Support
You may prefer to support a specific flight, an individual partner organization or even a specific pet, in which case we will work with you and directly call out your support in the publicity we use to promote our flights and in the communications we undertake with our partners and other donors. For more information, reach out to [email protected].
Show Your Support Through Local Involvement
We provide for the transportation of pets from one location to another but depend greatly our partner shelters and rescue organizations who do the hard work saving pets on the ground and in the field. Many of these organizations depend on local volunteers for support, including loading and unloading pets from our flights. We encourage you to follow our schedule and to consider beoming a volunteer for your local shelter. For a list of Wings of Rescue flight partners, please click here. Everyone who helps in the process of saving pets is a hero in our eyes, whether on the ground, in a shelter or in the air!
Help Us by Purchasing From Our Store
Every time someone buys a t-shirt, cap, hoodie or other item from our merchandise store, not only are they visibly showing their support for Wings of Rescue, but we get a cut too, which adds up and helps us out considerably. We hope you enjoy our merchandise and absolutely love it when we see supporters around the country wearing our gear. In fact, send a picture of you wearing your Wings of Rescue items to [email protected] and we may just feature it in one of our newsletters. To reach our store directly, click here.
If You Are a Pilot, Consider Flying for Us
We are always looking for additional options in transporting pets from one community to another, across a state or across the country. If you are a pilot and own your own pressurized aircraft, please reach out to us and tell us about your interest. Please include your contact information, the type of aircraft you own, your home airport, general availability and any other pertinent information you’d like to share, then we’ll get back to you. Send inquiries to [email protected]
And Most Importantly, Be a Responsible Pet Owner
We encourage everyone to be a strong advocate for, and example of, responsible pet ownership by supporting spay-and-neuter programs, adopting from municipal shelters and rescue groups, and following proper vaccination and healthcare guidelines for their pet(s). If everyone who adopts were able to properly care for their pets, prevent it from unplanned breeding, and treat the pet as a member of the family, much of our work would become unnecessary. We appreciate everyone who takes the responsibility of pet ownership seriously, and applaud when they are outspoken about abuse, neglect or other pet issue in their community.